Locked in with AdMagic for Printing
over 6 years ago
– Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 11:16:41 AM
Hey everyone-
It's been a while so I figured I'd better check in to a) let you know we're still alive, and b) keep you abreast of what's happening.
We sealed the deal with AdMagic, contract is signed, and they sent us their templates for printing. Danny is finalizing getting our files/images into their standards, and should be sending those back tonight. Hopefully then this is the first of a two-part update thread where I tell you later this week that all the templates worked out and test copies are ready for print.
I'm sure there will be something we need to fix. I've backed enough games on Kickstarter that I know there's always something to fix.
Anyway, once these templates all reconcile, we then print a test copy for a final look-over, then when we come to a consensus and OK that copy, it goes to the big print, will get shipped from their facility in China to the fulfillment company (ShipBob) we're using - right here in Chicago. Then, we reconcile everything we've got from Kickstarter and BackerKit, and send them out.
It's probably worth noting that since we locked in with AdMagic, we're going for 1000 units, which does not put a limit on the number of remaining available copies.
That's what we've got for right now, I'll check back in once we see how the templates reconcile.
P.S. Anyone ever gone to GameHole Con? One of our key testers and mechanics consultants alerted me to its existence. It's in Madison, WI, and looks like a blast. Any heavily positive or negative experiences with any of you lot?
Rulebook completion + New Review
over 6 years ago
– Mon, Aug 20, 2018 at 10:00:38 AM
Hey guys-
A couple things to report as we progress towards completion.
1) We have finished fleshing out our rulebook. There will likely still be a few edits before the final version goes to print, but it is now a complete document. We've added acknowledgments, but will probably need to add some more, as there's no way we haven't forgotten someone there.
This means that the engagement with our printer is starting in earnest, as we have every digital file needed to print a game. Updates on that forthcoming as they roll out.
2) We have another review live, this one from Joel's Cardboard Corner - part of the Boardgame Mechanics channel. Check it out below.
Until next time!
Printer + Fulfillment Update + Box Back
over 6 years ago
– Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 11:05:05 PM
Hey guys-
It's been a while, and though I don't want to pepper you with needless updates, I figured I'd let you know that a) we're still alive, and b) we have progress to report.
First off, it looks like we're headed to using AdMagic for printing the game, and ShipBob to fulfill/ship to you. Of course, we're still using BackerKit to gather survey data so we know where these all go. We definitely appreciate everyone who has filled out those surveys already, and we'll get to pestering everyone about them right before the games ship out - for those of you who haven't filled it out yet, or those who may have moved in the interim.
We chose AdMagic and ShipBob based on a few things. 1) Relatively well known/bigger names, 2) We have ourselves received Kickstarted games printed and fulfilled by them (so we know first hand they're good), and 3) They manage our particular needs very well.
All of this is of course just information for if you're curious. We got your money for shipping already, nothing needed from any of you (until we finalize shipment, then we just need address confirmation).
Moving forward with AdMagic probably won't really start for a few weeks, as they're typically slammed with all of the orders and inquiries around GenCon.
If you don't know what GenCon is, it's the largest North American board game convention, and it represents a very busy time for the industry. You going? We're going - just as ourselves. Best time of the year.
We're between having raised the money and having fulfilled to our backers, so we don't have the true product in hand, and even if we did, we wouldn't sell any copies until every backer first has theirs. We will have one of our example/homebrew prototypes on hand, if anyone is very curious about it and wants to reach out.
As far as the product itself goes, all that's left for us is to insert the acknowledgments section and index into the rulebook. Otherwise, everything else exists in a digital format that can be printed. Last week we finished the back/bottom of the box (below). Space left for the eventual SKU and some legal stamps.
Anyway, thanks again for your support. I imagine the next update will be as we move forward with AdMagic, probably in a couple weeks after GenCon wraps.
Fulfillment Surveys are Out, Pre-Order Store Open - Powered by BackerKit
over 6 years ago
– Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 09:09:55 AM
Hey All-
Kickstarter let us know that they were sending the money collected our way, so we figured it was as good a time as any to release the fulfillment surveys. We're doing this all through BackerKit, since we're often backers ourselves, and find them to be one of the cleaner/least annoying services out there.
We have sent a list of backers from Kickstarter to BackerKit (unaffiliated company). BackerKit has made a "survey" for all of the backers, to collect information on where to ship Ironrise when the time comes. BackerKit also allows for "add-ons" (ordering more copies), and powers a pre-order store (which we're leaving open for a while as we lock down printing, shipping, etc). BackerKit will then send the information collected from these surveys to the company we ship these through, to ensure they all get to the right place.
BackerKit also handles any of the back end problems that might arise with shipping. I know from experience they're very good about this.
Certainly some of you will move or have somewhere else you want Ironrise to be sent to by the time these are actually sent out (early next year). Don't worry, we'll ping/bug you then to check the address and everything is up to date. We just wanted to get these surveys our as early as possible to help us make some decisions re: shipping and fulfillment.
If you have been following and are interested in a copy of Ironrise, but haven't backed via Kickstarter (or just know someone who might be interested), our pre-order store is open for a while HERE.
More info on printer and shipment to come early next month. Importantly, none of the shipping info should have any real effect on any of you - since we've collected that estimated cost up front, and we're not collecting anything more from anyone, so you're getting your game without anything new needed. I'm just going to keep things going in updates for anyone who is interested, and as a reminder that we're not dead/working on it.
I'd also like to take a moment to acknowledge our good friend and guide to the world of Kickstarter, Aaron Amendola of VsTheUniverse.
Aaron you'd recognize as one of our character models (Duncan Hendricks, one of the first 4 created and tested). He's also a close friend and ally of ours, and went out of his way to help us navigate a lot of the admittedly perplexing parts of Kickstarting a board game. We avoided a great many icebergs from his advice and scouting.
Anyway, cheers to Aaron, who actually just got his own successful Kickstarter into a BackerKit pre-order store. It's a world apart from Ironrise, but if you're looking for a very light and fun icebreaker game, EARWORM is something I'd recommend.
Fully funded - now a pre-order
I had the pleasure of seeing this game go from concept, to wild success in play test rooms at GenCon 50, to realized project.
Adieu until the next update - fill out those backer surveys when you get a chance!
Kickstarter Wrap Up + Pre-Orders
over 6 years ago
– Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 12:46:03 PM
Hi All-
Kickstarter is still in the process of gathering info from any cards where there were issues, getting it all together, taking their cut, and finally sending the funding money our way. I would expect this to take another week or so.
In the meantime, we're working of setting up easy fulfillment. As I've mentioned before, we're going with BackerKit, which I believe many of you will be familiar with. Some of you may have already received surveys for fulfillment as part of our "smoke test" (to make sure everything works smoothly).
We'll send out final surveys at some point in the future, but it's important to note that any info you give re: address can easily be changed after the fact, if you move or decide to send your copy elsewhere.
In the meantime, we've opened a pre-order store via BackerKit, which will remain open until we need to close it in order to make the print order and get Ironrise physically made.
If you know anyone who may be interested, but missed the Kickstarter, the pre-order store can be found HERE.